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Mar 12, 2025: 12 months later... Reflecting on a tumultuous year marked by personal loss and global challenges, I find solace in family and new beginnings while also cherishing …

Jan 9, 2025: Currently reading: The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson 📚

Dec 30, 2024: Finished reading: Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White 📚

Dec 5, 2024: Finished reading: Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin 📚

Oct 24, 2024: Finished reading: Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin 📚

Oct 22, 2024: Finished reading: A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine 📚

Jul 7, 2024: Currently reading: A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine 📚

May 30, 2024: Finished Reading: Maeve Fly by CJ Leede 📚

May 5, 2024: Currently reading: Maeve Fly by CJ Leede 📚

Mar 21, 2024: Relationships with a parent can be complicated. A reflection on the complicated relationship I had with my mother, expressing both admiration and regret while acknowledging our shared human …

Feb 26, 2024: Currently reading: Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse 📚

Feb 11, 2024: Got my first mechanical keyboard! A low end Keychron (the Amazon exclusive one) with brown switches. Couldn’t resist the price and didnt want to go huge on something I may not be able …

Feb 8, 2024: Not proud at all of the time it took me to do this but... …I finally deleted my Twitter account. I can’t offer up any valid excuses really. All I was using it for these days were the few …

Dec 30, 2023: After 4 years… it finally got me. Mild symptoms at the moment but, I definitely feel ill. Bummed to finally catch it, but not surprised either with the numbers climbing as much as they …

May 2, 2023: Not too bad 📱 13 Pro macro lens!

Feb 1, 2023: Laurel Creek, Deep Gap, North Carolina, 12/2022

Mar 6, 2022: Been a while... I’ve intentionally stepped back from participating in social media for a variety of reasons, most of them boring and, by today’s …

Feb 7, 2021: Finally got around to introducing a Magic Keyboard into the mix for my iPad Pro. I had a Brydge keyboard before and, honestly, the difference between the two products is night and day. The MK is superior in almost every way. I do …

Jan 24, 2021: And just like that! We suddenly have 7 active egg layers! The coop also gets a roost upgrade. 🐓 The last few weeks have been kinda crazy in the egg laying department. We went from three eggs consistently a day to five to six on the regular. The …

Jan 1, 2021: Three eggs a day and an extended run for the hens! 🐓 This last week our third hen started laying eggs on the semi-daily. They all take a day off periodically but, for the most part, they are producing 3 …

Nov 23, 2020: One of our ladies started laying eggs at the end of last week! 🐓 Thanks Latte! 😊

Oct 27, 2020: The flock gets smaller (but then grows!)... 🐓 It’s been a while since I updated this space. The new job I started in July really took a lot out of me as far as changes to every day life and …

Aug 30, 2020: The chicks are all grownz up! 🐓 Our feather babies are making all kinds of crazy new croaky sounds as they’ve grown significantly in August. They are burning through food and …

Aug 17, 2020: Hey there Atlantic... 🌊 … it’s been a minute. I’ve never been a “beach person”. I get too bored, fidgety, and eventually insufferable. I am an ocean person though and …

Aug 3, 2020: 🐔 Pals, weathering the storm... The chicks have grown so damn much! We were a little worried about how they would handle their first Carolina hurricane. So far they seem to be doing …

Jul 7, 2020: Coop Update 6 🐓: The Coop Ramp and a Roof on the Run Just a quick update on our coop and run situation. This happened days ago, but I installed a ramp up to the coop. Now we just open the sliding side …

Jun 27, 2020: Coop Update 5 🐓: The walls of the run are complete! We put in some serious time this week getting the walls of the run built, screened in with hardware cloth, and installing the predator apron. A few …

Jun 21, 2020: Coop Update 4 🐓: It's complete! Been falling down the last few days on updates for this project but, I am happy to report that the coop itself is complete and we couldn’t be …

Jun 14, 2020: Coop Update 3: Raise the roof! 🐓 I mentioned in my last post that today was the day the roof needed to be added to the coop due to the next five days of rain in the forecast. Well, we …

Jun 13, 2020: Coop Build Update 2 🐓 We made great headway on the coop yesterday and today. The floor is up and we’ve added the back and side walls, all painted. All that’s left is the …

Jun 11, 2020: Chicken Coop Update 🐓 Things have been progressing nicely here with our newly feathered children. The chicks are heading into a delightfully awkward phase, with new …

Jun 4, 2020: Chicken Update! 🐓 Added two new chicks to the flock today! We were apprehensive at first, but the newbies fell nicely into the fold in a matter of minutes, as if they …

May 30, 2020: For years we’ve wanted chickens and today we took the plunge! 🐥🐔 We got the first allotment of 4 chicks today! We’ll get another 4 next weekend and another 4 the next. So 12 total with the hope to end up with 10 to …

May 12, 2020: Created some tomato cages yesterday evening! 🌱 Despite the cold snap a few days ago, our tomatoes persisted and started flowering this week! To prepare for the oncoming growth, and to satisfy my …

Apr 22, 2020: We built some new raised garden beds and created some new growing areas in the front yard! 🌱 Quarantine has suited us as well as a dire circumstance could - for the most part anyways - providing some much needed inspiration (and, let’s face …

Feb 23, 2020: 📸 Happy new moon y’all! 🌚🔥

Jan 28, 2020: Sweet baby jesus... the process for manually updating software on a HomePod continues to be a confusing nightmare! Hands down - We love our HomePod. I alone use it for hours on the daily. But whenever an update drops for it, I have to do the following: Tap through …

Jan 26, 2020: Added an aftermarket Sony head unit to our 2014 Prius C yesterday. It went surprisingly well! Doing anything outside of my own oil changes to our Prius has always been intimidating to me. It’s our only vehicle …

Jan 10, 2020: 📸 Every neighborhood has that creepy old house… 🏚👻

Dec 8, 2019: Took a nice late autumn stroll to see the annual Duke Park luminaries all lit, warm and flickering, lighting our way home. 🕯🏠🌚

Nov 24, 2019: 📸 Had the distinct pleasure of seeing one of our favorite bands, Sylvan Esso, this past Friday... They are so damn giving and talented. I’m grateful and proud to call them neighbors (not next door, but Durham’s where they call home)! They sold out …

Nov 1, 2019: Holy crap… I am so happy about this… it’s nice to still geek out in my mid 40’s! 😁

Oct 22, 2019: I know they are not listening but... FFS Instagram …if an account is public, and I go to said public account on the web, don’t put up your lame “sign up/sign in” modal in front of my viewing …

Oct 21, 2019: 📸 Fortunate to have caught Bon Iver live this week... It was our third time seeing him over the years and, man, what an amazing show! I really love how Vernon has evolved his sound over the years. There’s …

Oct 14, 2019: Had the pleasure of finally being able to attend the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival this year… After over a decade of being asked by my brother in law to come out to San Francisco to HSB, we finally made it out. It was definitely a memorable …

Sep 13, 2019: 📸Just hanging here... …with my god-given Gollum feet… watching the bats feast in this (finally) cooler weather. Hope y’all are doing your own lovely version …

Sep 10, 2019: 📸 That church I was talking about a post or two earlier? Well...

Sep 7, 2019: If she doesn’t need my help, one of my all time favorite things to do with my best friend is line up music for her while she prepares anything in the …

Sep 5, 2019: 📸 On the way home, before the hurricane rains blew in, I noticed a longstanding church I walk by every day was getting torn down 😕. Took a peek inside and definitely got some #StrangerThings Upside Down vibes in there.

Sep 3, 2019: 🎵 Been enjoying the recent Shredders release immensely today It’s a no-brainer if you like the hip-hop collective Doomtree, as it’s basically the entire group sans Dessa and Cecil Otter. Immensely fun whilst …

Aug 18, 2019: 📸 Starting her 44th trip around the sun with 🥧! So damn grateful you were born sweetheart! Love you so much. #pieforbreakfast #thisis44

Aug 15, 2019: 📸 Damn Maine! This evening hour light…. Our departure tomorrow is early, and even though our time here was short, it’s hard not to feel the echoes of …

Aug 14, 2019: 📸 Just took a solar bag shower outdoors letting my pasty white farmer-tan skin battle it out with the last few hours of coastal Maine sunlight. It felt almost as glorious as this place we …

Jul 27, 2019: 📸 The light in our home... for better or worse... 🏡❤️

Jul 27, 2019: 📸 Our piggies combined....

Jul 24, 2019: 📸 Thoroughly enjoyed this break from the heat (and the 🇪🇨 hammock we got on our 20th).

Jul 19, 2019: 🔗 “Let’s Talk About Peeing In Space” Probably one of the most entertaining and informative Twitter threads I’ve ever read. So, so, good..

Jul 14, 2019: 🔗 “Where Are All the Bob Ross Paintings? We Found Them.”

Jul 8, 2019: Been working at a new co-working environment... …and it’s been interesting seeing the differences between the spaces that I’ve worked at in the past versus this space now. One of the the key …

Jun 27, 2019: It’s official. We all got spoiled by the stability of the iOS12 public beta. While not hot garbage (for me anyways), iPadOS 13 and iOS 13 are about as …

Jun 17, 2019: 📸 I love it when I am out walking and shots just magically come together. Durham is always filled with these kinds of encounters. And when the afternoon storms are rolling in like they are here? I turn down whatever is …

Jun 7, 2019: Been a while since we properly 🚀 ‘ed it…. (that’s when we inhabit a couch, each of us at the opposite end, and we talk about everything going …

Jun 7, 2019: Saying goodbye to an old friend... I recently sent my trustworthy iPad Air 2 to greener pastures and snagged the most recent iPad Pro 11in with the latest corresponding Brydge keyboard. …

May 29, 2019: Those evenings… storms coming in… right before you decide to cut the back deck lights on.

May 29, 2019: Finished off the back deck repair job we started a few weeks ago! Had some tricky cuts to make at the very end but, all in all? We think it came out great! It’s finally up to code, safe, and structurally very …

May 6, 2019: TFW, as a freelancer, the IRS sends you something in snail mail. And it is just them letting you know that they are updating your physical mailing address. :)

Apr 29, 2019: Rewatching last night’s GOT episode on an iPadAir2 and my goodness.... The difference in clarity, rendered blacks, and just the all out general experience is completely different from watching it on our 1080p Samsung TV …

Apr 28, 2019: We all have latent ambition on the daily. Every once and a while though, that bites you back.😬 this deck is gonna involve way more TLC than we …

Apr 26, 2019: Just raised the keyboard tray of my home made standing desk an inch and dear lord... My shoulders, wrists, and forearms immediately relaxed. I’m such a preoccupied idiot when it comes to this stuff. I’m in my 40’s …

Apr 15, 2019: 📸 Found this photo in an old archive folder from a long gone MacBook Pro… It was taken right around when we moved to Durham, NC. My first piece of writing was just accepted to be published. That was also the first time my …

Apr 3, 2019: Chain link sunset 🌅

Mar 30, 2019: Spent the afternoon inoculating logs! 🍄🍄🍄

Mar 29, 2019: 🎵 This new Billie Eilish album... whew... Such a great mix of synth pop and creepiness that stops just short of detracting from the over all amazing creativity at play here. It’s brilliant …

Mar 27, 2019: Initial Second Gen AirPods Impressions... Loving them so far! Just as I loved the first gen AirPods. The new “Hey Siri” integration is a way more subtle improvement than I was expecting. We …

Mar 14, 2019: Been trying to get more afternoon naps in lately… 😑😐😴

Mar 14, 2019: Took advantage of this week’s one day eero sale and dear lord... Our home wireless speed increased by what appears to be 100%!! We upgraded from most recent Airport Extreme (tall white tower version) and, I don’t …

Mar 12, 2019: Spring has sprung! 🎪

Mar 11, 2019: Love it when the trees explode this time of year! 🌸🌳🌼 Almost tricks me into believing that next week won’t be back down in the 30’s again. 😄🥶

Mar 10, 2019: 📸 Another year, another Nevermore Film Festival here in Durham! 👻💀☠️ I’ve been attending this horror film festival for well over a decade and it’s been a pleasure supporting it over the years at the beautiful Carolina …

Mar 3, 2019: It is POURING here tonight 🌧⛈ One of the things that freaks me out about our new-ish home is the fact that it needs a sump pump in the crawl space underneath for when it pours and …

Feb 26, 2019: 📸 Got some thoroughly needed time away in the woods with this one. 🌳🌿🍃🍂🍁🌲 These little breaks away from Durham have been so, so good for us and our individual wellbeing. We’ve been trying to make more space for times like …

Feb 12, 2019: It never ceases to amaze me... I witness, in my day to day, a lot of people who dismiss podcasts as a nonsensical medium that, more than ever, is filled with amateurish drivel, not …

Feb 10, 2019: Tips: *Re-REvisiting* My Workflow (again) for Launching .scriv Files in Marked and Scrivener Simultaneously Hey y’all, a friendly Tweep ( @ckrueger99 ) on my feed let me know that this age-old Alfred workflow has, once again, stopped working. I’m …

Feb 8, 2019: Was out for a walk this afternoon... When I stepped out the door it was in the low 70’s. When I got back to the house 2 hours later, it was in the high 50’s. CRAAAAAAAZY temperature …

Jan 4, 2019: On Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse I never do this but, I’ve been checking daily to see if/when #spiderverse went on pre-sale (iTunes). Finally noticed it today. So many things are …

Dec 19, 2018: 📸Back home after a LONG road trip... … filled with hours of unexpected construction delays from my homeland (New England, NH & VT). Decompression and reflection necessitates …

Dec 16, 2018: 📸 Da BubbinSpoonful keeps getting biggoh!!🐶 My brother’s doggo, Ginger, is officially full grown. I am glad I can still hold her!

Dec 14, 2018: 📸Its nice to have a reminder of how beautiful the winters can be up north. It’s one thing where my memory has intentionally run short after moving south. 😌

Dec 5, 2018: 📸That’s some beautiful evening-walk-home light you got going on there Durham ❤️🐂🍁🍂

Nov 21, 2018: Been making slow but sure progress on theme tweaks for this site. I decided to go with a “dark-mode” motif (yeah, I know, it’s trendy) and prefer it a lot more to the eye-shredding brightness of the …

Nov 18, 2018: Does anyone know off hand if it’s possible to auto format posts that come in from I often find myself editing each of them …

Nov 18, 2018: 📸What a gift to be amongst friends watching friends playing the sweetest music for friends. ❤️

Nov 13, 2018: 📸To date, I have no earthly idea about how my head is wired. But, walking quickly by this razor thin alleyway, all I could see was this child’s lost playground ball.

Nov 2, 2018: 📸Product placement in everyday life is key! #vote #justvote

Nov 2, 2018: 📸Looking mighty fire-y Durham. 🍁🍂🍁 🔥 🍁🍂🍁

Oct 30, 2018: If your (or, in my case, email isn’t sending... …and is stuck in outbox purgatory, you are not alone. I reached out to Apple support this evening and they confirmed there is a current outage …

Oct 29, 2018: TFW people complain about skim milk not making it into their pumpkin spice latte... …while a single, seemingly innocuous cut on my finger tip, reduces my daily productivity by 40%… ish. 😅😬😐

Feb 26, 2018: Slowing down, Volume 2: Walking. In 2014 my wife and I walked over 600 miles over one of the northern routes of the Camino de' Santiago in northern Spain. Aside from being a life …

Jan 12, 2018: Slowing down, Volume 1: Morning Coffee I’ve been a coffee drinker from my late teens to 7AM this morning. I used to drink pots and pots of coffee in a work day, but in recent years I …

Jan 15, 2017: Tips: *Revisiting* My Workflow (again) for Launching .scriv Files in Marked and Scrivener Simultaneously Back in May, 2014, I created an Alfred workflow that allowed for you to target a specific directory that houses your project files in Scrivener, …

Nov 15, 2015: Taking My Business on the Camino (Part Three - How it all turned out) In part one of this series I wrote about the impetus of this journey, the hardware I was going to use, and how I planned to accomplish keeping my …

Aug 31, 2015: Taking My Business on the Camino (Part Two - Software) In part one of this series I went over the tale of how my wife and I decided on hiking the Camino de Santiago this fall. For me (and I imagine many of …

Aug 31, 2015: Camino De Santiago When I asked my wife what she wanted to do when she graduated massage school in August, I half expected her to say “let’s rent a cabin for …

Jun 27, 2012: Film: Rian Johnson's latest film - Looper I am a HUGE fan of Rian Johnson. From his films, "Brick", "The Brothers Bloom", to even his episodes of "Breaking Bad"... for folks like me, he is a …