Coop Update 3: Raise the roof! 🐓

I mentioned in my last post that today was the day the roof needed to be added to the coop due to the next five days of rain in the forecast. Well, we got up early and put our all into churning that out. The day was gorgeous weather-wise and even though we definitely ran into some more design issues, we got the roof up and it’s kinda glorious! We were high-fiving ourselves silly when we knocked off for the evening.

It was a long weekend, but it was definitely worth it. Everything else that is left has been built out. We just need to attach it to the coop and it’ll be done! After that, we’ll hit the run which hopefully will have less surprises.

Coop Build Update 2 🐓

We made great headway on the coop yesterday and today. The floor is up and we’ve added the back and side walls, all painted. All that’s left is the egg laying box, the front with its respective doors and, finally, the roof.

We’ll have to push it tomorrow as Durham’s going to get a lot rain in the next 5 days. Fingers crossed that we don’t run into any show-stoppers. We definitely found some design “gotchas” today that were frustrating, but nothing we couldn’t adapt or move past with some creativity.

I’ve been really proud of Mel and I for navigating these waters together without melting down as we have in the past. Our brains work very differently and that difference has naturally caused friction when we work on projects that involve building or construction. But not this project for some reason.

In fact, I think we’ve both learned a little more about each other. Which is really saying something considering how long we’ve been together.

Chicken Coop Update 🐓

Things have been progressing nicely here with our newly feathered children. The chicks are heading into a delightfully awkward phase, with new feathers popping out all over the place replacing the downy fuzz they had as babies. It’s been super fascinating to watch them change from day to day.

baby chicks showing evidence of growth with  new feathers on their wings and tails

That said, with those changes come new skills. They’ve all started flying! Albeit very short distances. 😄 Still, it’s become painfully obvious that they are outgrowing the bins we were placing them in, so building a proper coop became a top priority. In two days, we built out the floor and the frames of the walls. 98% of all of this was done with 2 x 4’s and 4 x 8 plywood. It’s rugged as hell and, not being carpenters, we are pretty damn proud of it’s design. Now that it’s pretty close to being complete we are looking forward to finishing the run, predator-proofing it all, and giving them all the space they need to grow, be happy, and lay eggs!

Pages from Melinda’s drawn design plans for the chicken coop we are currently building a picture of the finished coop floor and framed out walls and roof

Chicken Update! 🐓

Added two new chicks to the flock today! We were apprehensive at first, but the newbies fell nicely into the fold in a matter of minutes, as if they were always part of the group. I wish humans were that accepting and adaptable (sigh).

Currently it’s in the 90’s here in Durham, NC so we took them outside for a change of scenery and they are just freaking out with all the new sights and sounds! Definitely going to add this to the routine whenever possible. Next week we get the last four and then we have a coop to build!

two baby chicken chicks, one black with splotches, one brown with black strips and caramel splotchessix baby chicks in their broodersix baby chicks in their broodersix baby chicks in their brooder

For years we’ve wanted chickens and today we took the plunge! 🐥🐔

We got the first allotment of 4 chicks today! We’ll get another 4 next weekend and another 4 the next. So 12 total with the hope to end up with 10 to 8 hens for egg laying and, eventually, food when it’s time. For any roosters we get, we have connections to find them good homes that don’t have city ordinances restricting them.

We are not even 12 hours in and, so far, we are really smitten with these little guys. Even though I’d read as much, I genuinely didn’t expect these fuzzies to have such personalities! We were nervous at first - they haven’t been alive for more than 48 hours yet - but we got them all to drink and eat! So we are feeling much better about the new stress of keeping them alive.

Here’s to eggs, more joy, and challenges from unexpected places!

Created some tomato cages yesterday evening! 🌱

Despite the cold snap a few days ago, our tomatoes persisted and started flowering this week! To prepare for the oncoming growth, and to satisfy my incessant need to find some use out of the bamboo I’ve been clearing in the back of our property, we built some bamboo tomato cages.

We also finally put a rubberband ball that I’ve been adding to for over a decade to good use. It does look a little janky but they’ll do until Melinda finds some twine keep everything in place.

All told, I think they came out pretty great! 🎋🍅🎋

We built some new raised garden beds and created some new growing areas in the front yard! 🌱

Quarantine has suited us as well as a dire circumstance could - for the most part anyways - providing some much needed inspiration (and, let’s face it, time) to accomplish a lot of stuff around our property that would constantly be back-burnered if the situation were back in the “normal days”.

We’ve gardened in the past and absolutely loved growing our own food. It’s funny how certain life situations can make you lose sight of those precious things that bring you joy. We’ve been grateful for the opportunity to bring gardening back into our life. Wish it didn’t take a pandemic to give us that push but, here we are! 😌

📸 Happy new moon y’all! 🌚🔥

Sweet baby jesus... the process for manually updating software on a HomePod continues to be a confusing nightmare!

Hands down - We love our HomePod. I alone use it for hours on the daily.

But whenever an update drops for it, I have to do the following:

  • Tap through settings into the Software Update screen from the Home app.
  • back out of the Software Update screen, because it states that the HomePod is up to date
  • tap back into the Software Update screen to have it refresh and display that there is in fact a new update for it
  • tap update
  • watch it download, with absolutely no progress bar
  • back out of Software Update screen again after guessing the download and install process is done.
  • hope that is installed after that window updates

Seriously, it’s a mess and has been since day one.

Added an aftermarket Sony head unit to our 2014 Prius C yesterday.

It went surprisingly well!

Doing anything outside of my own oil changes to our Prius has always been intimidating to me. It’s our only vehicle in the family by choice, so we rely heavily on it. To cause it to have problems by my own actions would be unfortunate to say the least. When the dash was all taken apart I definitely had a few Oh shit, what am I doing moments…, but I just took my time, read the instructions that Crutchfield sent and everything worked perfectly. Even the wizardry of the aftermarket steering wheel control doohickey that allowed me to retain volume, seek, and Siri control worked without any fiddling. And, to top it all off, the install itself came out super clean with none of it looking janky or out of place. (Biggest of the sighs of relief)

All told the installation took about 3.5 hours. With some more confidence I probably could’ve lopped an hour off of that total.

Aside from wanting to do more smallish projects in 2020, I swapped out the unit mainly to add CarPlay and wow what an upgrade that is! I never witnessed how CarPlay worked in earlier iOS versions, but with iOS13.1 its really solid. The sound (and control of the output of sound) is better, the interface is a joy to use, the screen is way more responsive than the factory unit, it’s got all the previous input methods and more! The only thing we lost was the CD player and we literally have never used that in the 6 years we’ve owned this car.

So if you are looking for a little project over the weekend I highly recommend it!

📸 Every neighborhood has that creepy old house… 🏚👻

Took a nice late autumn stroll to see the annual Duke Park luminaries all lit, warm and flickering, lighting our way home. 🕯🏠🌚

📸 Had the distinct pleasure of seeing one of our favorite bands, Sylvan Esso, this past Friday...

They are so damn giving and talented. I’m grateful and proud to call them neighbors (not next door, but Durham’s where they call home)! They sold out two nights in the biggest venue we have and they’ve definitely sold out much, much bigger spaces.

We saw them forever ago open up for one our favorite hip hop artists, Dessa, in Carrboro to a crowd of 40 people tops. To see them rise year after year, higher and higher has been a treat to say the least.

Holy crap… I am so happy about this… it’s nice to still geek out in my mid 40’s! 😁

I know they are not listening but... FFS Instagram

…if an account is public, and I go to said public account on the web, don’t put up your lame “sign up/sign in” modal in front of my viewing experience after scrolling through a mere 12 to 18 pictures. That is a lose-lose for everyone involved. That and it’s just a shameful and terrible user experience. At least try to be better

📸 Fortunate to have caught Bon Iver live this week...

It was our third time seeing him over the years and, man, what an amazing show! I really love how Vernon has evolved his sound over the years. There’s an underlying tenderness to his performances that has always resonated with me as genuine. It’s performance, yes, but there’s always this intimacy that he creates - no matter how large the venue/crowd is.

Oh and the light show was super unique and fun to try and figure out in real time. Hadn’t ever seen a band do that before! Elevated double-sided mirrors framed with dynamically colored LED strips. Moving up and down, tilting and undulating during the show’s entirety. Super cool!

Had the pleasure of finally being able to attend the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival this year…

After over a decade of being asked by my brother in law to come out to San Francisco to HSB, we finally made it out. It was definitely a memorable experience! The crowds on Saturday were definitely too much but Friday and Sunday were lovely.

It was a short visit for sure, but we love San Francisco so it was definitely worth it!

📸Just hanging here...

…with my god-given Gollum feet… watching the bats feast in this (finally) cooler weather. Hope y’all are doing your own lovely version of the same!

📸 That church I was talking about a post or two earlier? Well...

If she doesn’t need my help, one of my all time favorite things to do with my best friend is line up music for her while she prepares anything in the kitchen. I love watching her face light up and dance when each track drops. It’s beyond lovely and it’s also the least I can do.